The architectures of iOS and Android are identical in concept but vary in execution. The respective design makes it clear how their apps function. In comparison to iOS, Android architecture is generally thought to be more open. Android uses a Linux kernel, while iOS uses a Darwin-based BSD kernel. Both Android and iOS are Unix-based operating systems that begin with a kernel that manages hardware, timing, file systems, drivers, interrupts, and power management.
Since Android is open-source and iOS is closed-source, the architecture of Android varies from that of iOS.
The next layer for iOS is the Core OS layer, which contains the majority of the low-level components needed for device abstraction, such as OpenCL and disk access.
It's the library layer for Android, which contains a few more libraries than the Core OS, such as media frameworks, OpenGL, SSL, LibWebCore, and LibC.
The Core Services layer for iOS is similar to the library layer for Android, but it only contains Apple-developed libraries, such as Core Data, Core Animation, WebKit, Address Book, Core Foundation, Social Libraries, and Security.
The difference between iOS and Android architecture is that iOS is more customized and programmed for security. This is due to Apple's use of a custom BSD-based kernel and the creation of nearly all of their libraries from scratch. This contrasts with Android, which relies heavily on open-source software rather than the customized software that Apple prefers.